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from your tax & super refunds

leave it blank if you are missing anything 


» which refund would you like?
taxback super refund both tax & super  
» please give me a discount
working holiday 482 visa NZ online discount
» contact details
family, last name *
first name *
email address *
re-type your email *
Australian mobile
home country mobile
parent contact number (for emergency)
» your details
date of birth
gender (male/female) male female
tax file number
date arrived in Australia
date left / leaving Australia
postal address - parent home (cheque sent if bank account closed)
the country you're in now?
how did you hear about us?
» details for payment of refund
australian bank account   

non-australian bank account   

post a cheque

I will advise later

the bank account must be in your name, otherwise the payment will be rejected. when refunds are greater than $5,000 we will confirm your bank details.

australian bank details
account number
name of bank
» employment details
how many jobs or super funds
passport number (if known)
passport country
visa type (417, student etc)
job 1
gross payment (before tax)
tax withheld (paid)
approx start date
approx finish date
business name & abn
superannuation fund name
membership number
fund tax rate
other information?


 * I appoint expresstax as my tax agent and authorise them to start my tax claim. I declare the information provided is true & correct.
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